Should You Shut Down your PC at Night?

The debate over whether to leave your computer on or shut it down nightly has been around for decades. In the early days of bulky desktops and fragile hardware, leaving your machine on made sense. Components like spinning hard drives and fans were prone to wear and tear, and frequent power cycling could hasten their […]

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What is a VPN and is it Right for My Small Business?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, which is tech-speak for a secured connection in an otherwise unsecured environment. It’s an encrypted tunnel that allows our devices to communicate safely with our office network while outside the building. Although our small business data should be protected internally from hacking attempts, viruses, malware, and every conceivable form […]

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Corporate vs Consumer VPN

All virtual private networks, or VPNs for short, are created to do one thing: let people access the internet and other computer networks free from the prying eyes and bad intentions of other people. Specifically, VPNs provide a secure link between computers, phones, and other devices, and the internet. While all VPNs are broadly the […]

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Two steps to start implementing proper SMB security measures

So you think proper security is too expensive. We hear this a lot. But, a company doesn’t need to use every security solution out there to be properly protected. It comes down to the level of risk that you’re trying to mitigate. If you follow security and cyber security news, you’re going to hear the word risk in almost every sentence, because that’s the core of what security is about — determining your level of risk.

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Firewalls aren’t the only security you need for your small business

Firewalls have been around for about 20 years now. They emerged more prominently as the Internet became commercialized and more networks and people connected — which meant more targets. Having a firewall is pretty much a mainstay today. You will find dedicated firewall appliances or Internet routers with so-called firewall capabilities.

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It’s about time you used a password manager

We all know that authentication is vital to security, but passwords suck. Creating them and remembering them for every single web site or software system we use is a pain. Gone are the days of sticky notes on our monitor for all to see, and even password protecting a spreadsheet of credentials with a carefully obfuscated name on our computer isn’t safe — a simple Google search for “Excel 2016 password recovery tools” will show you why.

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IT Security Webinar: Facts vs Fiction

Consul-vation hosted a webinar on IT Security: Facts vs Fiction where we highlighted our top 5 myths of IT security. This webinar is now available on our web page for anyone to view the full presentation. We were very happy to have John Verry from PivotPoint Security join the webinar to add his decades of experience, knowledge and wisdom to the webinar. We hope you enjoy the video and feel free to give us feedback and please feel free to share the video.

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